Friday, October 28, 2005

Skygreen Leopards

Skygreen Leopards have had three releases this year on Jagjaguar. The latest, an EP titled Jehovah Surrender was released few days ago on October 25th and before that they had an LP called Life and Love in Sparrow's Meadow released on Feburary 1st and before that the limited edition companion release for that LP, Child God in the Garden of Idols 12" released on Janurary 18th. Thats a heap of releases for one year but apparently not for the Skygreen Leopards.

Skygreen Leopards are a two man operation featuring Glenn Donaldson and Donovan Quinn making "loosely-structured psychedelic folk songs arranged with banjos, bouzoukis, 12 string guitars, tape loops, Hammond organ, and a host of other instruments." They are a part of the Jewel Antler Collective which you can figure out with this diagram. Its easier than words.

From Life and Love in Sparrow's Meadow
From Jehovah Surrender
From 2004's One Thousand Bird Ceremony


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