Tuesday, May 03, 2005

It Ends With A Fall

I initially planned to change the banner on the ole tank every month and that's what I did yesterday. Then I looked at it and thought that I needed to tweak the color scheme to go with the banner. An hour plus later I the whole page looks different. Most of the time was spent making the background. Its really small and tiled so you can't really see the design but I made about 9 till I found one that I liked, not as bad as the banner which I made 14 of. So here we are.

I have a big project due and I think the majority of today and tomorrows time allotted for my studies will be dedicated to this research project. I also have a project to turn-in in a few hours which I have to clean up a little. They call this dead week. I remember when the term "dead week" meant something. Does no one have respect for tradition? Who am I kidding school is way to easy for me to complain. Just lots of hoops to jump through.

Mavs won last night 100-103. It was an exciting game till the last shot. I have high hopes for this series with Dallas winning 3 in a row but not too sure about the next opponent. The Suns have the best record in the NBA and have talent like Nash. We still can make something happen.


Beck - Guero Deluxe Edition

Blur - Song 2

Air - Talkie Walkie


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