In June

photo by bill ellison
The Island came into town last Tuesday with Awol One from the Shapeshifter crew. I really like the new Islands album but I missed them the last time they came by this year so I marked my calendar months back for the this show and forgot till the day of. They put on a good show, I like the show they did the first time they toured around here but the new material sounded great live.

photo by bill ellison
Awol One I've heard featured on some tracks here and there, I didn't really leave my house in time to catch his whole set but I liked what I heard and did some research when I got home. It turns out the guy has some really good tracks out there and he is not that bad of a rapper. Also he has a weird resemblance to my roommate from few years back.
Awol One - Rhythm [ysi]
The show was most satisfactory.
I had a nice little gap there in post because of the following reasons:
1. My computer I had been using for years would not boot up and I couldn't figure out how to fix it.
2. The day after I left for Las Vegas for a bit, got back and tried to fix it and figured I could survive without a computer for a couple of weeks till I figure out what to do.
Now I'm back, on a new computer. The downfall is that my desktop had a really high-end sound card that made every thing sound so good. Also a hard drive went down which contained everything I acquired in 2008 as far as audio, video, spread sheets, bookmarks... etc.
Something I did do before the computer went down was back up everything I had previously acquired in the years before 2008. I just got a new external with tons of space and I thought why not. Looks like it wasn't as bad as it could of been.
Labels: Awol One, The Islands