Jolie Holland / Springtime Can Kill You
With my stomach full of tater tots being lazy doesnt seem like a bad idea. When I'm lazy I feel like listening to being lazy music. Folk, Blues and Jazz are good lazy genres. Luckly Jolie Holland combines all of those, her record label Anti- describes it good:
Holland’s songs rise and fall like heavy eyelids and convey the peace of that place between asleep and awake...
From Spring Time Can Kill You
Jolie Holland - Spring Time Can Kill You
Jolie Holland - Crazy Dreams
From Catalpa
Jolie Holland - Black Hand Blues
Jolie Holland - I wanna die
From Escondida
Jolie Holland - Old Fashion Morphine
Jolie Holland - Black Star
Ah to be young and full of tater tots....
Also from Anti-
Neko Case - Star Witness
Neko Case - Hold On Hold On
Neko Case - If You Knew
Neko Case - Train From Kansas City
Tom Waits - How Its Gonna End
Tom Waits - Another Mans Vine
Tom Waits - Alice
Tom Waits - Hold On
Elliott Smith - Twilight
Elliott Smith - Memory Lane