I can rarely lose myself in something for a long period of time like a nice video game [age of empires II] or a nice read. Randomly when I'm bored and I feel like being educated on my own free will I turn to my good buddy about.com. Once you read something and learn something new you see something else and you read about that and see another link and so on and so on, if you are in the right mood which is usually at a really late hour of the night for me.
Looking for a new car, well
this might help you out and point you to a good deal. Then you can check out related items on the side.
Are you making something and messed it up by adding too much of something like salt, well you can find a quick fix
Do you think you are an alcoholic, take
this quiz.
Are you a lesbian and want to get that special someone something special, looking
here might help.
Do you ride a bicycle alot and want to know what type of muscle type you are [ie long-distance or sprinter] maybe
this might help.
Do you want to get a good bicycle workout but only have an hour, check out
these tips to get the most of your ride.
What to know how to mix a cocktail, you might want to look
The point is
this website can educate you on nearly anything you wanted to know and didn't know you wanted to know. Its gets a thumbs up from the think tank because its always good to learn something new.