This isn't a crow bar

We [the 4307 underground] are getting these one ringers. The phone'll [is that right, can I add 'll to anything...probably not but that seems so'll...maybe I've been living in Texas too long] ring once and then nothing. I don't mind it if it means all the other random phone calls for our phantom roomate ceases and it seems they have. Which means its them because it started after "blocked call" stopped calling. Here is my theory why.
The big lebowski is probably one of the greatest comedys ever. He-man is up there in retro cartoons. Put them together what do you get? The Big Hebowski. When you are on the page there are few other videos to watch like the GI Joe series.
My Internet is kicking in and out but what can I do. I'm sleepy now, I think I'll fix that.
My life is now complete.
I had this dream that I was sitting with people outside and we were getting ready to do something. All excited, we got up and one person was so excited he did a standing dropkick because he was so pumped. It wasn't odd that he did it because I understand the need to do so in certain cases it was just that it was so random. Also I think he had a mullet and was dressed 80s style. Why can't real life be this interesting?
I slept from 830am to 830 pm. I missed the whole day. I wish I hadn't because it was Saturday and it seems like I would of done something cool. But probably not. I saw Modest Mouse Friday night and they put on a good show. I was just getting over the Whiskey drinkage from Thursday and didn't feel up to it but as soon as I got on the road I was doing fine. Which reminds me, I did a lot of driving the past two day. 5-6 hours of it. There needs to be some more passenger trains around here, that would help me out a lot. Either way I just downloaded a nice 10 disc "Towering Above the Rest" Radiohead compilation of B-sides and rarities. Lots of people tell me that the B-sides songs are better than the album ones. I can't decide, they are all very good. I think I need some sleep.
Do you know what I hate ...."lol". You'll never catch me using it. Its like you are telling someone to laugh out loud. How about ialol = I am laughing out loud. That makes more sense.
The new Eels album is all over the www and E [the songwritter and main Eel] said it was going to be his masterpiece. After seeing it last night I jumped on it 2 months before it gets its release and everyone is saying good things about it. I didn't know they had a fan base at all especially after that last two horrible albums, latter worse than the former. Either way this sounds great, its a double album. An odd thing is that he signed to Vagrant, odd move from Dreamworks which is a label geared to his sound, well a label geared more towards artistic freedom. The oddest part is that both labels are owned by Interscope. The album is a 2 CD return to form, recorded in E's basement. He slowed down and mellowed back down which is a good thing. Eels - Blinking lights and other revelations - April 22, 2005
Another great musical guest on Craig Ferguson tonight. Interpol played Evil, my absolute favorite by them. I think I posted about that song, just that song, at least 4 times. It has one of my favorite bass riffs, not difficult or technical but catchy as fuck. Afterwards Craig Ferguson gave his recommendation for the kids of American to pick up this disc and some other rant about how much he liked them. Good stuff, I was think that a dream job would be musical coordinator for a late night show like Conan Obrien or something else like this show. I pride myself in keeping up with what's now in music. I guess I could be full of shit but I don't think so.
Its noon but here is a summary of the day;
Bright Eyes was on Craig Ferguson. The band smashed "an extremely expensive guitar" and a trumpet at the end of the song. Then the singer/songwriter Conor Oberst fumbled through an interview. But damn that guitar was sweet. I like how the trumpet player was smashing his trumpet on the ground as there was a guitar being smashed next to him. He had to get down on his knees for the dramatic effect. I want to see Kenny G smash his Clarinet on the ground after a performance. I don't think I miss spelled so much in one paragraph ever before...thats what spell check is for. I'm hungry!
Valentines day is pretty lame only because I don't know what the purpose of it is. Anyway here is a new holiday thats been a brewing since 2002, sort of a rebutal created by some guy and increasing in popularity every year.
1. You may never get to touch the Master, but you can tickle his creatures.
Lenny: Jeeze, Homer. I thought someone with two wives would be happy.
Today consisted of going to class, taking a nap and then reading my chapters for philosophy. I came back played some music then listened to music then downloaded some music. 8 Albums today, I went through and gave them a good listen, deleted, picked selected tracks or kept what was good. Here is the rundown so far
I'm in desperate need of a new calendar. I missed Luna on Janurary 29th when they came by Dallas. I had it marked on my old calendar but that was for last year and it got thrown away. The thing about it was that it was a farewell tour and the last time they are going to ever come by here. They have eight more cities and then its over, no more albums, no more tours, no more music. damn damn damn, this is a whole lot of suck. Atleast I found a bootleg of a whole show from this tour but that isn't any near seeing them live. I need to get a planner or calendar for this year to get my affairs in order I just keep on forgetting to get one.
I took a really long nap in two segments today. I feel a sleep accidentally then woke up and saw the simpsons on and watched that and then feel a sleep after for few hours. I wanted to get back into the dreams because a lot was happening and my philosophy professor was talking about dreams are a way of your mind solving your life problems. When he said that I was completly opposed to it and I still am just not to the extent of when he said it because today it seemed to make sense. I still think its just a manifestation of recent memories and desires that are not acted upon. Either way I had a dream of getting really trashed and not being able to walk straight. Weird part was that it was at my aunts house and they had a keg.
I can rarely lose myself in something for a long period of time like a nice video game [age of empires II] or a nice read. Randomly when I'm bored and I feel like being educated on my own free will I turn to my good buddy Once you read something and learn something new you see something else and you read about that and see another link and so on and so on, if you are in the right mood which is usually at a really late hour of the night for me.